Cowhide – cutting edge contemporary design
Cowhide has broken out of the historic ghetto of ranching accoutrements and symbolic of its ‘Wild West’ past into one of the funkiest and chicest home style accessories around. Indeed one can see cowhide in the funkiest of Mayfair bars and offices right down the mildly impoverished student digs. With rise of affordable cowhide skins and cowhide accessories has come a multitude of printed and dyed cowhide skins which have taken cowhide to the next level.
To celebrate this resurgence in the popularity and to recognise its place as a significant contributor to 21st century western style – Cowhide Rugs UK has written a short article over at our Cowhide University called Cowhide – cutting edge contemporary design – take a look and I hope you enjoy it.
Of course if its cowhide you’re after you’ve come to the right place here at Cowhide Rugs UK one of the fastest growing importers and online retailers of affordable cowhide products – welcome to the Great British Cowhide Revolution.